Important 2017-18 Back to School Dates

Providence Cristo Rey Families:
We are excited for you to return to school in a few weeks! Here are are few dates for you to keep in mind:
Monday, JULY 24: New students arrive for Corporate Work Study Camp
All new students attend this camp to brush up on professional skills and learn what it means to be a Providence Cristo Rey Wolf.
Tuesday, AUGUST 1: CWS Job Fair
Students meet and interview with supervisors from our 95+ CWS companies. It will be held at the Butler University Health and Recreation Center (next to Hinkle Field House).
All new students attend the job fair and will have transportation provided
Returning students that are interested in a new job may attend from 2:30-3:30PM and should bring current copies of their resume.
All students must be in school dress code to attend.
Wednesday, August 2: First Day of School
Students will receive their first semester schedules on this day. This is a full day of classes.
Friday, August 11: CWS Draft Day
Students will find out where they are working at this event modeled after the NFL Draft. Parents are welcome to attend. It will be held at the University of Indianapolis ARC from 1:30-4PM.
Tuesday, August 15: Back To School Night
All parents are encouraged to attend this event to learn more about student schedules, parent communication, meet teachers & administrators, and more.
Download our school app (available on Apple, Android & Windows phones) to easily keep track of important school dates this year.
We look forward to seeing you soon!