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Junior Qualifies for International DECA Competition

From left to right: A'Jewelle Johnson, Gustavo Adame, Dyrashay Phelps

The Providence Cristo Rey High School DECA team competed at the 2018 Indiana DECA State Career Development Conference and earned several awards.

Junior A'Jewelle Johnson placed 3rd overall in her area, Apparel & Accessories Marketing, which qualifies her to attend DECA's International Career Development Conference. She is the first PCRHS student to qualify at this level.

"I still can't believe it!" says A'Jewelle, "I went back to my row and called my dad to tell him. My mom was picking me up afterwards, so I waited to surprise her with my awards. As soon as she saw me she started crying."

A'Jewelle, Gustavo Adame, and Dyrashay Phelps also received Competency Awards for high achievement in their content areas. Gustavo competed in the Hotel Management category and Dyrashay competed in the Business Services and Marketing category.

DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. Providence Cristo Rey has had a DECA club for four years.

A'Jewelle will be attending the International DECA conference in April in Atlanta, Georgia.

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